About Us

AA Sports International is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit registered organization that envisions supporting sports with the core objective of changing lives through sports and creating greater awareness for kids with exceptional sports abilities. We hold soccer clinics to unearth hidden talents among young girls and boys in the United States, Ghana, and its environs. AA Sports International also donates athletic gear, soccer balls, shoes, and t-shirts to kids as part of our projects. 

We offer sports-related charitable services to individuals, organizations, institutions, and communities. Our successes result from pragmatic collaborations with our partners and stakeholders who have bought into our core aim of helping alleviate the predicament of all who may need our support on grates. Our vision is to create ties with aspiring young soccer stars in Ghana and worldwide who are willing to undertake this journey with AA SPORTS INTERNATIONAL.

Mission/ Vision statement/ Objectives — Our vision is to provide quality sports education and promote awareness, sponsorships, and development opportunities for all children, regardless of gender. We aim to guide these kids toward achieving their highest potential through leadership and discipline. Also, we aim to support sports areas in Ghana and create greater awareness for kids in areas across Ghana that have exceptional sports abilities. We achieve the above by ensuring our projects make an Impact; We plan carefully with like-minded organizations to help deal with social concerns with sports through fundraising. 

To create the need for avenues for change: At AA Sports International, we make frantic efforts to offer communities and societies the needed platforms to encourage them to innovate and create new ideas and plans that would help bring about change in societies through sports.

Drum home the point of the power of sports: We use sports to dramatize through songs, videos, and storytelling to address the plight of societies and communities as we seek to improve their lot. Ambassadors: We have well-placed sports personalities and other revered societal influencers who have committed their time to support AA Sports International. 

Events: AA Sports International participates in Corporate Social Responsibility by organizing seminars, workshops, conferences, and academic events with sports stakeholders to bring about positive change in our communities.

Awards: As AA Sports International grows, we plan to institute an award program to recognize individuals who have positively impacted society through their involvement in sports.

Network:  We are poised to use our rich global network to recognize and motivate people to projects or programs to bring about the needed change through soccer. 

Foundation: AA Sports International plans to embark on fundraising programs enabling us to take events and projects by creating awareness to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals through sports.

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